…Krister and his father Lennart were tinkering with their car. When they didn’t have a table to put their tools on, they decided to make one themselves – they took a couple of pipes, bent them by hand, and placed them under a pallet.
That’s how the pallet legs were born – the product that forms the basis of Jolek and still is one of our best sellers.
The journey continued after the day in the garage. In the 80s, the stool legs were pattern protected. In addition to pattern protection, the stool legs have also been SP-tested by the Statens Provningsanstalt.
In 1986, our pallet legs also carried a 729-meter-long smorgasbord on Kungsgatan.
Since the start, we have continued to develop products – both pallet covers and large bag holders in various forms have become part of the range. Today, we deliver solutions all over Europe.
With pallet legs, big bag holders, and pallet covers, we have facilitated the storage needs of customers around Europe for over 40 years. We are a family business that offers standard solutions and specially adapted concepts for all target groups and environments.
Simplicity is the key – our products are easy to handle and require no tools while taking up minimal storage space.
From simple details to entire concepts – we offer contract manufacturing to meet all kinds of storage needs. With high delivery precision and competitive prices, we have contract manufacturing in laser cutting, cutting, pipe bending, welding, and surface treatment.
Regardless of who you are or what your needs are, we make sure to create customer value.